Thursday, April 23, 2020

Internation researcch publications of Dr.Arunachalam

Publication requirements — International Scientific Publications

  1. Janakiraman Balamurugan, Arunachalam Ramachandran.  Effect of Repetitive Unilateral and Bilateral Arm Training Using Students Designed Manual Reach Equipment (MRE) in Improving Motor Function of the Hemiplegic Subjects” International Journal of Health Sciences & Research ( Vol.2; Issue: 6; September 2012
  2. Janakiraman Balamurugan1, PaulrajAnantha Raja1, Nagaraj S, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Intra Rater And Inter Rater Reliability Of Sway Graph In Elderly Subjects, Int J Cur Res Rev, Oct 2012 / Vol 04 (20)106-111
  3. Arunachalam Ramachandran “Focal Dystonia – single case study” Ayursurabhi Bimonthly Ayurvedic magazine, issue 4; February 2013.
  4. Arunachalam Ramachandran, Significance of Early Trunk Intervention Following Stroke - A   Systematic Review, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, Proceedings of International Physiotherapy Conference - STRIDE-13, 18th and 19th October 2013, Page 70, Abstract 68
  5. Arunachalam Ramachandran, “Effectiveness of Yoga Versus aerobic exercises in controlling obesity in young adults” International Journal of Ayurvedic and Alternative Medicine, issue 1, volume 2, December 2013.
  6. Arunachalam Ramachandran, JanakiramanBalamurugan, “Bilateral Upper Extremity Task Specific Training (TST) And BobathNeuro Developmental Therapy (NDT) In Functional Recovery Of Stroke” International Journal Of Pharmacy and Industrial Research, vol-3(04) 2013[301-305]
  7. Arunachalam Ramachandran, Significance of exercise in rehabilitation of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse, Ayursurabhi, issue 8 volume IX, May-June,2014.
  8. Arunachalam Ramachandran, Comparing the effectiveness of Murivenna with phonophoresis and YOGA in treating glenohumeral subluxation following pakshagatham, Ayursurabhi, issue 9 volume IX, July-August,2014.
  9. Aravind D, A.A.N. Uday Kumar, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Effectiveness of eclectical approach in management of triple ligament injury of knee joint – A case study, ICRS 2014, National College Trichy, ISBN : 978-81-908942-2-7 page 68-71
  10. Arunachalam Ramachandran, Comparing the effectiveness of Murivenna and Mahanarayanathailam with phonophoresis in treating DOMS of calf muscle, ICRS 2014, National College Trichy, ISBN : 978-81-908942-2-7 page 80-82.
  11. S. Swaminathan, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Effectiveness Of Combining Ayurveda And Physiotherapy In Treating Motor Developmental Delay – An Experimental Single Case Study, International Journal Of Ayurveda & Alternative Medicine  – VOL 2/ ISSUE 4 – July- Aug - 2014 105-109
  12. Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi, Arunachalam Ramachandran,   A Comparative Study to find the Effectiveness of Single Bout vs Recurrent Bout of Walking in reducing the Blood Glucose Level on Type 2 Diabetes Patients ‘The International Journal of science and technology, Volume 1I, Issue XI, October, 2014 Page no 72-76 ISSN 2321 – 919X
  13. Arunachalam Ramachandran, AnandhVaiyapuri ,JagatheesanAlagesan and Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi “Trunk dissociation retrainer” for improving balance, functional activities and gait in hemiplegia. International jounal of pharma bio sciences 2015 july; 6(3): (b) 805 – 811
  14. Arunachalam Ramachandran, AnandhVaiyapuri , JagatheesanAlagesan and Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi, “Trunk dissociation retrainer” for improving balance and gait , Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy July-Sep 2015.
  15. Arunachalam Ramachandran,Aanandhvaiyapuriand  chandrasekar “Effect of trunk dissociation retrainer” in improving reaching capacity in hemiplegic subjects international journal of pharma and bio sciences.
  16. A.Kumaresan, Gitasri chakraborty, R.Arunachalam, Kiruthika.S, S.Prathap, K.Arivoli. A Comparative study of lumbar traction and straight leg rising in the management of sciatica. 2016;2(6):1-12
  17. S.divya, Arunachalam Ramachandran,A.Kumaresan,S.Kiruthika   Comparing the effects of modified epley’s maneuver and cawthorne Cooksey exercise with brandt-Daroff exercise in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo        International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2016 July;7(3):B706-711.
  18. Arunachalam Ramachandran, JananiR,KumaresanA,Kiruthika, Trunk rotation for improving weight transmission through hemiplegic lower extremity      International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS).2016 July;7(3):(B)939-942.
  19. ArunachalamRamachandran, AnandhVaiyapuriAndL.Chandrasekar      Effect of trunk dissociation retrainer” in improving Reaching capacity in hemiplegic subjects      Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 Jan; 7(1): (B) 559 – 564.
  20. ArunachalamRamachandran, AnandhVaiyapuri, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi, A.Kumaresan, Kiruthika.S            Study on Correlation of prognosis in balance and gait velocity following trunk dissociation training in hemiplegia,      Biomedicine – Vol. 36 No. 1: 2016, 80-85.
  21. Jesse Magh, G.DeepthiAnd Arunachalam Ramachandran  Effects of trunk control exercise with swiss ball in improving trunk Performance in stroke patients-single blinded study.      Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 April; 7(2): (B) 824 - 829.
  22. Jesse Magh And Arunachalam Ramachandran        “Effect of forced inspiratory and expiratory maneuver In patients with cervical spondylosis”            Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 April; 7(2): (B) 766 - 771.
  23. ArunachalamRamachandran, Rajkumar Krishnan Vasanthi.         Trunk Rotation Training as a tool in improving weight transmission through the paretic lower Limb in hemiplegiay        Arch Physiother Glob Res 2016; 20 (2): 39-43.
  24. ArunachalamRamachandran, Anandh Vaiyapuri2, L Chandrasekar3       Effects of “Trunk Dissociation Retrainer” in Improving Trunk Performance and Functional Activities in Hemiplegia         Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2016, Vol. 10, No. 1, 160-165. 
  25. Jones Anand Raj John, A.Kumaresan, AnandhVaiyapuri, S.Prathap, ArunachalamRamachandran ,Kiruthika.S. Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy after stroke-A Review of Evidences, Biomedicine, 2016,36(3)10.
  26. S.Harish Kumar, S. Kiruthika, Arunachalam Ramachandran, A.Kumaresan          Cardio Respiratory Review Physiotherapy Management in Rett’s Syndrome-Literature, Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2017 Jan ; 8(1): (B) 618-621.
  27. Manjuladevi, Arunachalam Ramachandran, PrudhviTejasri, Effect of postural sway scale as a prognostic tool in low back pain management, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2017; 8(3): (B) 1021-1025. 28.
  28. Anushareddy, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Anitha A, Correlation between core muscle strength and hand eye coordination in non-athletes, accepted for publication, International journal of physiotherapy on June 2017. 29.
  29. Dr.S.Jeyakumar, Dr. JagatheesanAlagesan, Arunachalam Ramachandran, A Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Maitland’s Mobilisation And Mulligan’s Mobilisation In Sub-Acute Osteoarthritis Knee, Biomedicine, 4 (8), August 2017.
  30. S.Harishkumar*, Dr.S.Kiruthika, Arunachalam Ramachandran,  Dr.A.Kumerasan, To Analyse The Effect Of Theraband Strenthening WithConventional Exercise On Pain, Function & Range Of Motion In Patients With Adhesive Capsulitis.  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2017 October; 8(4): (B) 214-227.
  31. Janani R, Kiruthika S, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Kumaresan A, sturge-weber syndrome: a case report, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 3, 2018, 3-4.
  32. B Prudhvi Tejasri, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Kumaresan, S Kiruthika, Desensitisation therapy in post stroke pain syndrome: a case study, International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Int J Physiother Res 2017, Vol 5(6):2541-44.
  33. Parth Trivedi, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Srishti Sharma, Mihir Dave, Translation and validation of gujarati version of patient-rated tennis elbow evaluation (PRTEE) workshops and seminars conducted, International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2018.
  34. Girish Baldha, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Parth Trivedi Effect of Active Stretching Versus Passive Stretching to Increase Hamstring Muscle Flexibility in House Wives, International J of Physical education and sports, 2018, volume:3,Issue 04, 56-61.
35.  Parth Trivedi, Arunachalam Ramachandran, K. Vaittianadane, Efficacy of Muscle Energy Technique with Plyometric Exercises in Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis,  International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, Vol.9; Issue: 2; February 2019, page 108-114.
36.  Parth Trivedi, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Rehabilitation of Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis- An Evidence Based Approach International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Vol. 14, Issue No. 01, January-2019.
37.  Kumaresan A, Manoj Abraham M, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Effects of Neuro Muscular Electrical Stimulation on Swallowing Function and Quality of Life in Subjects with Post Stroke Dysphagia, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 2019Jan :12(1):5559-5561
38.  Meera R, Chakravarthi V, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Sujatha B, Effectiveness of Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer in Improving Gait and Balance in Developmental Delay, Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(11): 4870-4874.
39.  Meera R, Chakravarthi V, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Sujatha B, Effectiveness of Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer in Improving Gait and Balance in Developmental Delay, Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(11): 4870-4874.
40.  Dr Girish . Baldha, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Association between quadriceps strength, pain and functional disability among knee OA patients, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, volume 6, issue I, Jan. – March 2019, page 387-391.
41.  Kumaresan A, Jagatheesan Alagesan, Vijayaraghavan R, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Manoj Abraham M, Geetha.M, Determinants of dysphagia following stroke, Ethiop. J. Health Dev.2019;33(3) :1-6.
42.   Janani .R, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Analysis of prevalence and factors influencing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis among school students in Thiruvallur district, Int J Physiother. Vol 6(3), 89-94, June (2019)
43.  Dr. Parth Trivedi, Arunachalam Ramachandran, K. Vaittianandane, International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Role of Plyometric Exercises in Lateral Epicondylitis – A Case Report, Vol. 14, Issue No. 2, April-2019.

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